Hyper Silver
$176.56 / wheel
$706.24 for a set of 4 wheels
Size: 18x8
Offset: 35mm
Set of 4
Black Milled
$180.95 - $241.27 / wheel
$723.8 - $965.08 for a set of 4 wheels
Matte Black
$184.62 - $230.77 / wheel
$738.48 - $923.08 for a set of 4 wheels
Gloss Black
$195.87 / wheel
$783.48 for a set of 4 wheels
Gloss Black Machined
Offset: 34mm
Gloss Black Red Machined
$200.68 / wheel
$802.72 for a set of 4 wheels
Gloss Black & Blue Machined
All White
$210.46 / wheel
$841.84 for a set of 4 wheels
Gloss Black Milled
$211.9 / wheel
$847.6 for a set of 4 wheels
Motegi Racing
$212 / wheel
$848 for a set of 4 wheels
Offset: 32mm
Black w Red
$216 / wheel
$864 for a set of 4 wheels
$217.78 - $266.84 / wheel
$871.12 - $1067.36 for a set of 4 wheels
$217.78 / wheel
$871.12 for a set of 4 wheels