XF Off-Road
Gloss Black Red Milled
$190.4 / wheel
$761.6 for a set of 4 wheels
Size: 18x9
Offset: 12mm
Set of 4
Vision Off Road
Satin Black
$193.03 / wheel
$772.12 for a set of 4 wheels
Gloss Black Machined Face
$199.39 / wheel
$797.56 for a set of 4 wheels
Size: 18x8.5
Offset: 25mm
$210 / wheel
$840 for a set of 4 wheels
Offset: 18mm
XD Series
Gloss Black
$210.46 / wheel
$841.84 for a set of 4 wheels
$212.12 / wheel
$848.48 for a set of 4 wheels
$219.55 / wheel
$878.2 for a set of 4 wheels
Matte Black
$223.62 / wheel
$894.48 for a set of 4 wheels
Offset: 30mm
Pro Comp
$225 / wheel
$900 for a set of 4 wheels
Gunmetal w Machined Face
$225.91 / wheel
$903.64 for a set of 4 wheels
$232.27 / wheel
$929.08 for a set of 4 wheels
Gunmetal w Black Lip
$235.45 / wheel
$941.8 for a set of 4 wheels
Fittipaldi Offroad
$236 / wheel
$944 for a set of 4 wheels
$239.99 / wheel
$959.96 for a set of 4 wheels
Machined Black
$241 / wheel
$964 for a set of 4 wheels
$245.54 / wheel
$982.16 for a set of 4 wheels
$246 / wheel
$984 for a set of 4 wheels
$247.12 / wheel
$988.48 for a set of 4 wheels
Gloss Black Milled
$254.6 / wheel
$1018.4 for a set of 4 wheels
Gloss Black Machined
$254.99 / wheel
$1019.96 for a set of 4 wheels